Exhibition Speed Training – Expo / Trade FairTraining        

Call us in the Netherlands at 0031 575 56 64 13 or fill in the contact form                                   

Get the most out of your exhibition event by 4 hours training

Within the ExhibitionSpeedTraining you learn and practice how to get the most out of your expo / show event.

Purpose: After completing the ExhibitionSpeedTraining you are able to:
- Present your organization in a different way which triggers prospects to choose for your organization
- Show the advantages of your products or service and why it is different from the other products suppliers
- Attract future clients because you are able to exceed their expectations at the exhibition
- Strengthen existing customer loyalty by being a real exhibition host/ hostess
- Generate publicity for your brand and products which leads to more fair visitors
- Approach visitors in the aisle in a customer-centric way and invite them to your stand


Did you know that:

30% of your Trade Fair success is determined by the right exhibition preparations?

Participating at a trade fair requires the right preparations. The basis of your success at the exhibition especially depends on the efforts within the preparatory phase. Within this phase you will organize the things that matter. 30% of your success at the fair is being determined by the preparatory phase. 50% of the success at the fair will be determined by active participation of the team / employees at the fair, and the final 20% of your show success is based on the customer-centric aftercare service.

Which elements will be trained during the Exhibition Speed training of 4 hours?

- Which preparations are of importance for a successful fair
- What motivates the fair visitors to come and visit your stand
- How to attract visitors from the aisle to enter your stand
- Welcome and introduce the visitors to your stand, how does that work
- Exploring quickly who you are talking to, what the needs are and the person’s position (level of influence during decision-making) within its company
- The power and importance of a professional fair presentation which will influence the visitor/ client’s decision
- How to present your organization within 1 minute and thereby differentiating your organization from the other exhibitors and participants at the fair
- Closing the conversation in a customer oriented way
- How to deal with complaints from fair visitors/ customers
- How to close a conversation and say goodbye in a customer-centric way
- Pupils and students, your colleagues and customers of tomorrow
- How to make use of the publicity of the exhibition at the regional and national level
- How does your “exhibition-lead form” look like? Your visitor is often looking at it as well
- Which elements are included in the aftercare service of every visit to a fair

Pricing Exhibition Speed Training

The 4 hour training is intensive and specifically tailored to your situation and wishes.
Price: You will invest 585,- for four employees and 875,- for eight employees. For a training of more than eight persons,
extra costs per person will be 95,- .Travel costs will be 0,38 per kilometer.

This price includes:
- The Exhibition manual

The training can take place at your company or any other location of your preference. Prices, in Euro's, do not include VAT, compensation of travel expenses and any eventual costs for accommodation of the training.

We train organisations and companies for a veraity of shows and exhibitions on severall Euopean Expo locations.
Call us at: 0031 575 5664 and we will start your expo succes from here!  

Call us in the Netherlands at: 0031 575 56 64 13.

 Beurstraining Nederland





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